I had such a fun week!  First of all, I received amazing news that Heather Scott Home & Design was selected as the “Best Interior Designer” in Austin in the Reader’s Choice Poll for Austin Monthly’s Best of the City Awards!

They sent us these fun ‘badges’ to use in our marketing.


They were having a big party Thursday night downtown to celebrate.

However, I was traveling back from Little Rock, AR and wasn’t able to make it.   I decided at the last minute to go to Tobi Fairley’s ‘Getting Published’ Event, which also included a day on Social Media.  I am so glad I went.

I really wanted to learn more about how to use Instagram and the future of blogging and Facebook.  The biggest take away was how important these all continue to be.

I don’t think I can narrow down what was the best part, maybe hearing what Traditional Home and At Home Arkansas look for in designer submissions for publication.  Or, perhaps it was how the amazing photographer Nancy Nolan sets up shots for interiors.  But it might have been how I would go about getting my own book published with Rizzoli publications one day.  However, I do know how much fun it was listening to designer Alex Papachristidis talk about his career and his new book. His passion certainly made the thought of creating my own some day more appealing.

Alex Papachristides

Alex Papachristides The Age of Elegance

Alex signed copies of his book at the wonderful Bear Hill Interiors.  He wrote a special message for Scott and I which made me laugh.

Alex Papachristides book signing

I believe it is very important to slow down and take time to remind yourself of the core elements to a successful business.  By allowing other inspired business entrepreneurs to share their passions we can ensure we are not just falling into a comfort zone.

All in all a fabulous week! I hope you had a great one, too!  Now, it is back to work, we have a lot to do in the next 3 weeks!