I am not a big “New Year’s Resolution” person, but I do love a fresh start and the New Year is a perfect time for that!


Source: Pinterest

Scott & I geared up for the New Year by ‘simplifying’ our home, making piles and piles for donations, recycling and trash.  Honestly, our house looked clean, but over 5 years we had managed to fill every drawer, cabinet and cubby with ‘stuff’(a lot of it paper).

Now the house feels like this:

organized pantry


Whew, it just feels good to get more organized and to have some space to breath behind the cabinets.

bathroom storage


It is amazing how many half used bottles of lotions and shampoos I had in the bathroom cabinets, not to mention writing pens (but that is a whole different topic)!

Emily, Scott and I tackled our ‘design library’ at the store.  We have so many catalogs, binders, memos samples and fabric books.  Now everything is neatly organized and labeled so everyone knows where to find things.  And that makes everyday run a lot more smoothly.

Fabric library

Day designer by whitney englishAnd, speaking of running smoothly, I love having this year’s version of Whitney English’s Day Designer.  My sister got me one last year and it is a wonderful organizational tool for running your day.

So, goal #1 for me for 2014 is SIMPLIFY.  Get rid of the excess and clutter and stay focused on the right priorities!

This also frees up time for me to work on GETTING INSPIRED!  We have so many amazing projects already in the cue for this year- a cool media room for an Austin-based Film Producer, the creation of the interiors for a new women’s boutique based in an old home downtown, more model apartments and clubhouses, not to mention all our residential projects.


An inspiration image for the new clothing boutique from Beholden

Our team is committed to BEING ORIGINAL in our design work and our projects, so we are staffing up and gearing up to create the most amazing rooms in Austin.  Our biggest opportunity to be original is going to be with the Parade of Homes in April.  We are currently knee deep in the planning and designing of that home which is stretching our creative minds and our work loads!

And, we are ready to WORK HARD this year.  Austin is growing like crazy and we are geared up to get the work done.  If nothing else, we are committed to good customer service.  If our clients ENJOY, then we can ENJOY, what we envision, what we create and what we do best, which is creating beautiful spaces.

So, here is to 2014 and creating beauty.  We would love to create beauty in your space, just reach out and we can tell you about how we can help!Living Room, SL